Indigenous Latinx Showcase
photo by Shann Thomas
About the Project
Where: Vermillion Gallery, 1508 11th Ave, Seattle, WA 98122 & Nepantla Cultural Arts Center, 9414 Delridge Way Southwest, Seattle, WA 98106
When: March - June 2019
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*english below
En conjunción con yəhaw̓ en King Street Station, la Galería Vermillion será el anfitrión de una exhibición de arte satelital por tres meses destacando obra de arte Indígena Latinx desde pinturas acrílicas y arte de medios mixtos hasta instalaciones a gran escala por 18 artistas Indígena Latinx del Noroeste del Pacífico. La experiencia diáspora de la gente Indígena Latinx toma muchas formas, sea el conocimiento de que la frontera nos cruzo a nosotros ó el no tener conocimiento alguno de nuestra ascendencia tribal Indígena.
Los artistas destacados en esta exposición se identifican con su Indígeneidad como práctica de resiliencia, y su arte es un ejemplo en cómo mantienen vivos los espíritus de sus ancestros. Las exposiciones Indígenas Latinx en la Galería Vermillion y eventos de la comunidad serán comisariadas por Jessica Ramirez. Jessica lleva 15 años como residente de Seattle y es creadora de medios, productora de eventos, y defensora de la comunidad.
In conjunction with yəhaw̓ at King Street Station, Vermillion Gallery hosted a three-month satellite art exhibit featuring Indigenous Latinx artwork from acrylic paintings and mixed media art to large scale installations by 18 Indigenous Latinx artists from the Pacific Northwest. The diasporic experience of Indigenous Latinx people takes on many faces, whether it’s knowing that the border crossed us or not knowing our Indigenous tribal ancestry.
The artists featured in these exhibits identify with their indigeneity as a resiliency practice and their art is one example of how they keep the spirits of their ancestors alive. The exhibits at Vermillion Gallery and community events were curated by Jessica Ramirez. Jessica is a 15 year resident of Seattle and is a media maker, events producer, and community advocate.
Exhibitions at Vermillion Gallery
Regeneración | Rebirth
March 14 - April 6, 2019
Abigail Pierson
Cecelia “Mousy DeVilla” DeLeon
Eileen Jimenez
G Raquel Emeka
Ixtli Whitehawk
Jake Prendez
Juan Salinas
This showcase was an ode to spring and the opportunity for regeneration, rebirth, and renewal.
photos by Leo Carmona (Indigenous Latinx)
Soy Yo
April 11 - May 4, 2019
Ayanna Fuentes
Claire Rand
Crystal Florez
Dovey Martinez
Eileen Jimenez
Ixtli Whitehawk
Priscilla Dobler
Raven Juarez
Xulie Olivos
Soy Yo was an Indigenous Latinx art exhibit, featuring femme/female artists.
photos by Leo Carmona
Unidos Levantamos el Cielo
May 5 - June 8, 2019
Dovey Martinez
Erik Sanchez
Ernesto Ybarra
Fabian Romero
Jake Prendez
Juan Salinas
Laura Rodriguez
Leo Carmona
Nico Inzerella
Unidos Levantamos el Cielo was an Indigenous Latinx art group show.
photos by Leo Carmona
Exhibition at Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery
Star Stories
June 8 - July 6, 2019
As an extension of the Latinx Showcase, Nepantla Cultural Arts Gallery hosted a fourth and final exhibition in their Latinx-owned space.
Summer time is an opportunity to gather, travel, laugh, love and share stories. This is also a time of the year when the stars shine brightest at night. For many Indigenous peoples, especially from the southern regions, the stars can provide a guide or a map to our past, present, or future. Star Stories was an art exhibition rooted in the memories of our ancestors and the hopes of future generations. The artwork was a response to the inter-connectedness we can all experience through opening to a greater power. As individuals we may be seeds but as a community we are a garden of dreams.
photos by Shann Thomas
Related Programs
Bloom: Indigenous People's Dance Party at Vermillion Gallery
March 15 & May 17, 2019
A celebration of Black, Indigenous, and people of color bodies with DJ J-Na$ty spinning cumbia, Latin pop, and reggaeton. Collaboration with La Roxay Productions. Tickets, sold at the door: sliding scale: $10 - $15 . No one turned away for lack of funds. Ticket sales from Bloom will support the community's Bidi Bidi Bom Bash and benefit Colectiva Legal del Pueblo, Para los Ninos, Southwest Youth and Family Services.
Poetry in Translation at Northwest Film Forum
April 10, 2019
An ongoing series of quarterly bilingual poetry readings co-curated with Washington State Poet Laureate Claudia Castro Luna, featuring writers sharing poetry in their native languages with English translations. The first episode was an Indigenous Showcase featuring fabian romero, Tracy Rector, Duane Niatum, and Sasha LaPointe. Featuring an Indigenous Latinx artists market.
Indigenous Film Showcase @ Northwest FIlm Forum
April 25, 2019
A screening of Mosquita y Mari, set in a predominately Mexican, immigrant neighborhood in Los Angeles, Mosquita y Mari tells the story of two 15-year-old Chicanas growing up in H.P. — Huntington Park.
Indigenous Film Showcase @ Northwest FIlm Forum
May 30, 2019
A screening of Embrace of the Serpent, celebrating Indigenous Latinx people and ways of living. Community discussion after screening.
About the Curator
photo credit: Shann Thomas
Jessica Ramirez is the Community Curator for the Indigenous Latinx Exhibit at Vermillion Gallery. Jessica is a queer fourth-generation Mexican American. She was born and raised in Corpus Christi, Texas and has lived in Seattle for 15 years. She is a media creator, events producer, and community advocate. Jessica has over ten years of experience working with community organizations led by people of color from all over the state of Washington in varying social justice issue areas such as farmworker justice, environmental justice, and immigrant rights. She attended the University of Washington Seattle where she received a bachelors degree in American Ethnic Studies with a concentration in Chicano Studies and minor in Labor Studies and Law Societies and Justice. This is her first time curating an art exhibit.